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🎫 Missions

Overview of Missions

In the Vertus App, we have designed in-game missions to be straightforward and rewarding, helping users to accelerate their progress, especially in the initial levels. These missions are simple tasks that can be completed quickly, providing users with small but impactful amounts of $VERT tokens. This design ensures that new users can understand and engage with the platform's features from the outset, enhancing their overall experience and providing a smoother introduction to the app.

Purpose of Missions

The primary objectives of including missions in the Vertus App are:

  1. Community Interaction: Foster a sense of community and interaction by integrating social tasks such as following official Vertus channels on Telegram.
  2. Initial Boost: Help new users quickly accumulate $VERT tokens, which they can use to enhance their mining operations or other aspects of their in-game experience.

Completion and Rewards

Completing these missions is typically a matter of a few taps within the app. Once a mission is completed, rewards are immediately credited to the user’s account. These tokens can then be used for various upgrades in the app, allowing users to enhance their mining capabilities or access other features more quickly.

This streamlined approach to missions in the Vertus App ensures that users not only get a quick start in their interactions with the app but also feel continuously engaged and valued as part of the Vertus community.